Play Ark Toddler Group
Play Ark takes place on Thursday and Friday mornings
Booking is not now required to attend, you can turn up on the day.
We ask that you only attend one session per week so that everyone has a chance to come – please choose between Thursday or Friday 10:00 am – 11:15 am
Play Ark is a group for children from birth to the start of school and their parent or carer. The cost is £2 per family which will include a token to be exchanged in the café for 1 tea/coffee, a child’s squash and a round of toast. Additional drinks and cakes can be ordered in the café. Lunches can also be pre-ordered.
Attendance one week does not guarantee a place the following week, you must book in again.
Please do not attend if you or your child is unwell.
The sessions will be held in the main church hall where there will be a selection of toys to play with but currently no craft activities.
Drinks and toast will be served in the café area by table service.
All of our church leaders are trained in safeguarding and are DBS checked. You can see our safeguarding policy here.

Littleover Methodist Church, Constable Drive, Littleover, Derby, DE23 6EP
01332 365045 Ι office@lmclife.org.uk
Charity Number:1129507