Believer’s Baptism
Baptism is a public proclamation of a believer’s desire to follow Jesus all the days of their life. At LMC, we baptise by full immersion, meaning that the person is lowered totally under the water in the baptism pool and then lifted up. Obviously there may be exceptional circumstances where this is not possible, and we can explore other options so that Believers Baptism can be accessible to all. Before you can be baptised, the Minister will meet with you a few times and have a pastoral conversations with you, just to make sure you fully understand the step you are taking.
Infant Baptism
If you are a member of the church or adherent and want to have you child baptised please contact the office. We do welcome others who wish to have their child baptised but you would need to be willing to attend church on a regular basis and be involved in the life of the church community. However, a Dedication might be a more appropriate rite of passage for infants and their parents and this will be offered.
A Dedication is an opportunity for parents to publicly celebrate and give thanks to God for giving them a child. It also a time when godparents and the wider church can commit to stand with the young family as they start the journey of raising their child. Dedications take place within our morning worship on Sunday.
There is no charge for baptism or dedications at LMC, it is our pleasure to celebrate these special occasions within the church family!
Littleover Methodist Church, Constable Drive, Littleover, Derby, DE23 6EP
01332 365045 Ι
Charity Number:1129507