If you have questions about church or even God and Christianity in general, we’d love to hear from you! Feel free to email the office.
We hold church services online now, so you can easily watch them on YouTube and see what it’s all about!

There are some really great resources that we can highly recommend to you if you are searching for answers. At LMC we frequently run Alpha, please check out our page here for more information. Due to Covid-19 you now have the option of doing the Alpha course online!
If you’d like to know more about what Christianity is all about, Christianity.org is really a brilliant website, jam-packed with helpful articles
If you would like to hear some real life stories and see how being a Christian has had an impact on peoples lives, then Hope For All is an awesome resource
For more information specifically about the Methodist church, it’s history and traditions, check their official website out
What Happens at Church?
Church services on a Sunday are a special time when Christians come together as a church family and worship God. You are more than welcome to come and just observe. You will not be expected to do anything you are not comfortable with! But just so you have a little heads up on what happens behind those church doors, here is a summary for you.
First of all, people will greet you at the door and welcome you to take a seat in the “sanctuary”, basically the big hall. There is a stage at the front from which people speak and musicians play. Before the service there is a chance to chat to people, we hope you feel warmly welcomed!
The service usually starts with someone from the front welcoming everyone and sharing a few bits of church community news. There are times of prayer, sometimes one person stands at the front and basically talks to God whilst other people listen and reflect quietly. Other times everyone prays at the same time, some people talking to God silently in their hearts, other people getting pretty vocal!
There are times of singing together, although right now due to Covid 19 we have to wear masks while singing! The words to the songs are projected on a screen and everyone sings together. Some of the songs are older, traditional hymns, but many are modern songs. Throughout all of history and in every culture, people have created music as a way of expressing themselves. Songs have been written to celebrate, to mourn, to rouse armies in battle, to comfort and calm little ones. Our worship songs are just one way that we can express to God our thanks and gratitude, our wonder and awe, our need for Him and our desire to follow Him.
Usually someone will read some passages from the Bible. The Bible is the most important and special book for Christians. It is, in simple terms, a book written by many different authors in very ancient times, but each person was inspired and guided by God and together the Bible tells the story of mankind’s fall, constant rebellion, and then redemption through Jesus.
On Sundays we always have a talk, about 30 minutes long. The speaker is often the Minister, who is the Church Leader. The talk is usually based on the Bible readings that were read out, sometimes it is focussed on a certain topic or theme. The aim of the talks is to encourage Christians in their walk with Jesus and give them a better understanding about what the Bible means and how to apply that in our lives.
After the service there is tea, coffee and biscuits available for free at the café area and a chance to mill around and chat to people.
We hope you visit us soon!

Littleover Methodist Church, Constable Drive, Littleover, Derby, DE23 6EP
01332 365045 Ι office@lmclife.org.uk
Charity Number:1129507