How do I give?
There are many ways to contribute to the life of LMC. One of these is through regular financial giving. It is through your generosity that we are able to achieve our vision to reach out with God’s hope and Love to many people in our community.
There are four main ways we are able to accept financial giving, these are detailed below:

You can set up a standing order or one off payments using our bank account details.
For the necessary details please email our treasurer.

Cash or
Cash or cheques can be deposited in the offering box located at the back of the church. Using one of the envelopes provided next to the box will allow us to Gift Aid. Cheques should be made payable to: Littleover Methodist Church.

We are able to claim tax back on any cash donation less than £20 provided in the offering box under the Gift Aid Small Donation Scheme.

We are able to receive Payroll giving or Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). LMC Charity Number: 1129507. Gift Aid is not permitted on this donation as it is made from payroll before tax is calculated.
Giving Away
LMC tithes all of the non specific giving we receive. Giving away 10% of our total income; some of the organisations we will support are:
- Live at Home
- MacMillan
- Compassion
- Ukraine
- East Africa – Disaster Appeal
- Happy Hens
- Christian Aid
- Evangelical Alliance
- Restore
- Care for the Family
- Release

Littleover Methodist Church, Constable Drive, Littleover, Derby, DE23 6EP
01332 365045 Ι office@lmclife.org.uk
Charity Number:1129507